
We stock a wide range of different shapes and sizes. Most are available to purchase online but we do often have more available from the nursery.

Bay Trees are the only established plant we always source from another Nursery. Shaped Bay Trees do require a lot of initial work to produce a uniform shape so we pass this work to an expert!

If a particular size or shape is not listed, we can order one/them in for you.


Despite Bays being able to tolerate colder temperatures (down to -4 degrees), we always advise customers to place the tree(s) in a sheltered position as it is often late spring frosts that can harm new season’s growth. If you wish to plant directly in the garden, keep some horticultural fleece ready to cover the plant if it is likely to be cold. Bay Trees do tend to be hardier when planted in the ground but we suggest waiting until the tree is at least 3 years old before doing so.

Potted Bays can be placed in a warm position over winter but do be aware that house central heating is not advisable for any length of time.

See pruning tips here

Potting on and Compost:

When potting on, choose a pot at least a couple of inches wider and deeper. Choose a soil based compost and add slow release fertiliser but don’t over water.